9 Exciting Interiors Between African and Urban

If you are currently looking for earthy interior design for your house, you might be interested in trying a combination of African and Urban design interior. This kind of interior is prevalent among people today since it could give the natural atmosphere inside your house. Therefore, you would not feel boring and always feel relaxed while spending your time together with your family or friends at your lovely home.

African design is selected to be combined with the urban design because African decor style is unique. Its colors are mostly terracotta, brown, gold, and burnt oranges. All of those colors are representing the natural vibes of the earth. Not only that, by having an African design that is combined with urban design, your room would also feel so luxurious and seems to have a perfect harmony with nature. Moreover, if you want to add some furniture related to this combination, usually, the African style also offers handmade items made from clay or rattan. Compared to standard furniture right now that is made by using fast digital technology, the African style looks so traditional. But if you love something eccentric, then the mix between African and urban design interior would suit you.

Otherwise, urban design is quite different from the African decor style. The urban design provides you with a cosmopolitan vibe. The most usual colors used in this design are neutral colors that could bring calmness into your home. For the lighting itself, you can make the light not too bright and also not too dark so that your room becomes more comfortable to live.
Similar to African design, the urban design uses browns and oranges for its featured walls. Therefore, the combination of African and urban design is a perfect choice to create a homey and cozy place to stay and take a rest. Don’t you want to try to have it?

Image Source : pinterest.com

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