10+ Elegant Space With Big Ideas

Do you have a small house but you want to transform it to be an elegant space with big ideas? In order to make your dream comes true you need to make the most out of your small space. Furthermore, you also need to make every square inch of your house is used in very smart, well-thought kind of ways. Hence, here are tips to make your tiny house become such an elegant house with big ideas.

Double-Duty Furniture Is a Key – First thing first you should choose furniture that are versatile and could serve two or more purposes in one time. For example you could pick a coffee table with extra storage, a wooden bar that only serve a purpose of table but also a piece that could separate the kitchen with the living area, a bed with drawers, a multi-purpose oven, and a washer-dryer. By doing so, you will not only save some space but you also save some of your money too, because you don’t need to buy separate items.

Consider Hanging Wall Storage – The next tips to make your tiny space become an elegant space with big ideas is considering to have a hanging wall storage. Empty walls could be a great storage location that could provide your place with such a unique touch without taking up any floor or even counter space. Furthermore, you could also use doors as well.

Find a Tailor-Made Furniture – You could choose a custom made furniture that is the perfect worthwhile investment which could ensure every nook and cranny of your space could fulfil its full potential. The custom furniture that you could choose such as a floor to ceiling fitted shelving units, a wardrobe closet that could fit your entire belongings, and also a fold-out dining table.

Make Use of Your Corner – nother tips to transform your tiny space become an elegant space with big ideas is to make use of your corner. Corners could be such a functional space as well as look very impressive when you could take advantage of them. You could transform one of your corners as a photo wall, your home office space, or even for your reading corner.

Image Source : pinterest.com

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