10+ Luxury Townhouse Living With Traditional And Modern Design

Anyone would want to stay in a luxurious and luxurious townhouse. The interior design offered in this building is usually often found in the form of traditional, modern interior designs, or even infrequently combining traditional and modern design to create a very attractive exterior design.

But, of course, to decide to use the type of interior design between the two things must be considered with several things. Like for example the location of the existence of the townhouse itself. If it is intentionally established in the center or the middle of an urban area, then the interior design with a concept is more suitable to be applied so that it does not contrast with the surroundings.

Then if it turns out that this townhouse is not in the middle and only on the edge of an urban area where mobility rarely occurs, the choice of interior design with the concept of a traditional theme would be more suitable to be applied. This is of course because the suburban areas are usually not too much touched and the beauty of the surrounding environment is still maintained. With a traditional theme that is very thick with natural nuances, the selection of interior design is very suitable.

If it turns out you prefer to combine the two designs, even then it is not a problem. With the combination of traditional and modern design in the townhouse that you live in, you can get a different feel and certainly more interesting than just using one type of interior design concept from both types.

This you can do like using a variety of furniture that has a size large enough, for example on chairs, tables, wall hangings, or interior of the room as at the top of the room. Besides, you can also combine it by using a variety of smart technologies in some parts of the room furniture, but still the atmosphere of the room wrapped with traditional shades.
For more details, you can see various examples of a combination of traditional and modern design models below.

Image Source : pinterest.com

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